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InstaCue : Chemistry / Electrochemistry

Galvanic Cell


1.The cell which converts chemical energy to electrical energy is called Galvanic or Voltaic cell

2.Galvanic or Voltaic cell redox reaction is

 \(\boxed{Zn_{(s)}+Cu_{(qq)}^{2+}\to Zn^{2+}_{(aq)}+Cu_{(s)}}\)

3.The example for Gavanic or Voltaic cell is Daniel cell

4.The cell notation of Daniel (Galvanic cell is 

\(\boxed{Zn_{(s)}|Zn^{+2}_{(aq)} (C_1)|| Cu^{+2}_{(aq)}(C_2)|Cu_{(s)}}\)

5.EMF of the cell is calculated by 

\(\boxed{E_{cell}=E_{right}-E_{left} (or) E_{cell}=E_{cathode}-E_{anode}}\)


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